
Your tables and chairs take quite a bit of abuse, when you think about it. A chair gets hurriedly kicked into place at the table, feet propped up on the ottoman, the sweat ring from an ice-cold cocktail accidentally left on the side table, and the outdoor furniture hardly needs mentioning in this Florida weather with the harsh sun and moist environment.

Even realizing the wear and tear, you don’t truly want to replace those items because they were, after all, an investment. Or a family heirloom piece. Or the china hutch you fell in love with at the antique shop that perfectly fits your style.

A little polishing or some oil has held evidence of the wear and tear at bay, but has not been the complete solution you hoped for.

What is happening to the wood furniture is more than meets the eye.

When wood gets scratched, chipped, or otherwise damaged it exposes the fibers of the wood to the elements in the air. For Florida moisture, in particular, is the biggest culprit. Many strains of mildew, mold and algae latch on and start building an unwelcomed home within your home. Have you noticed dark spots on your furniture? The culprit is mold. A white film developing? The culprit is mildew.

Sunshine is also a major accomplice in the decline of wood furniture. The harsh rays tend to break down whatever sealant may be on the wood, and this accelerates the deterioration of the wood. This will often be evidenced by your once honey-hewed furniture turning completely gray and you may even notice ruts and other rough patches develop. In these cases, the sun’s effective breach of the sealant caused the grain to dry out, become fragile and cracked, and the next step is severe mildew/mold growth in what is now a haven for fungi.

The good news is there are additional resources beyond home maintenance that can assist in restoring your furniture to its once prime condition. Certain mildewcides and cleaners will kill the spores, not just clean the wood. Going beyond a simple wash will target the dirt and grime in the grain of the wood and actually brighten the fibers, giving more than just a clean surface appearance. Depending on the visual outcome desired, certain sealants with either a natural, matte, or gloss finish will provide the last step in protecting the wood.

Finally, there are maintenance plans that can be developed specific to the needs of the furniture based on its usage. This type of care for your furniture on a regular basis will aid in the finish lasting longer and protecting the integrity of the wood fiber and structure. Don’t let your furniture get to the point of deterioration. Protect your investment!

Paul Murray